KAKORI: Kakori are small round paratta like but are sweet in taste. These are
most famous ins Pakhtun culture. They ate prepared in home on special occasions
like when new came to home after completing her WOMA, send to relatives or
someone living away from home and also are made specially when kids start
walking for first time.

Yesterday 28 agust, at occasion of celebrating the first
steps of WAJDAN ANWAR,
we made Kakori at our home this was a great experience.
How to prepare Kakori,
1. Prepare flour for cooking but use GAROBI( solution of
GURR in water). Must add Baking soda.
2. Keep for whole night.
3. At morning
make small paattas of that and keep these in hot oil for 2 or 3 minutes.
cooking, these are distribute among the relatives and neighbors. This is a type
of Shukrana sadaqa and also an announcement of walking of that kid.

Wajdan Anwar |
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