Sunday, July 31, 2022

Is USA really a human right champion?


Is USA really a champion of Human rights?

   The simple and one word answer to this question is a big NO. I claim this after USA violation of Human rights. I also know that when ever a country that is Foe to USA or that want to have an independent   survival in world, and that country just try to violate from human rights, USA and her allies came to battle field of Human rights against that country. I am not against this attitude, the whole I wish to, is to see USA and her allies supporting and defending Human rights in their own countries and countries that are obligated to USA. But unfortunately history have witnessed  nothing like this.

  There are thousands of examples for me to defend my claim but here I am going just to give touch to few of them. I am neither going here to write about more than 11 million killings of innocents by USA and NATO nations, nor the destruction of Iraq Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan saryia, Vietnam, vinzvilla, Cuba and Atomic bomb attacks. I am just mentioning here few small examples.

     First and fore most thing about which we have listen from western powers is freedom of speech, but unfortunately they have never liked those freely speaker who ever unveiled their terrorist reality before the world, the most prominent Example here is the case of Julian Assange. He is the founder of Wicky  leaks report or files. This was First thing to expose the whole war crimes of USA and her NATO allies in countries where they invaded. From that time he is in prison, first he suffered in UK And now he is suffering in USA. This show how they care about freedom of speech. Another example is the murder case of an American journalist Shireen Abu aqlah, who was considered as voice of suffering Palestinians she was killed by Israeli occupier forces while she was reporting a brutal Israeli attacks on civilians of palistien with a sniper attack. No investigation has been yet started. Their calmness is a silent support to Human violation by settlers Israeli. Same they are doing in Jamal Khashogi’s murder case against crown prince of Saudi  MBS.

Sherieen abu aqla

                   Jamal khashogi


  Another interesting thing that convince every one about their hypocrisy is that, those who claim to protect the right of speech in whole world, are not even allowing their own Former president Trump, speak freely. All his social accounts are suspended and he is not allowed to speak publically too.

  Other example is that of Women rights. They continuously condemn  every country for women rights, but in their own country a Pakistani doctor  Afiya sadiqi is suffering their brutalities  from more than a decade without Committing a single crime.

  Their support to Israel in occupying land of Palistien and demolishing their homes is another thing that don’t support their label of Human right champions and same is doing their support of Arab allies in Their brutal attacks on poor Yemnies.

   These examples I have mentioned are not even have same proportion to USA crimes as that a drop of water has to whole ocean.

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