Thursday, July 28, 2022

Balochistan in search of solution!


A Baloch girl waiting for her father.


    The most important problem today Pakistan is facing is worst human rights situations in Balochistan that has been shaped into a humanitarian crisis. People of Balochistan are facing problems even in their basic human rights.From long time we are listining about external interference  in Balochistan we have also seen army operations against it. But in this whole those who suffered alot were innocent Balochs. T They are suffering because of both the terrorist attacks and also from  counter terrorism operation by Army. Simply their lives are not safe. 

    Problem agaist which these people are protesting  not the abscenceof luxuries, yet they are protesting againts the threat to their lives are demanding just the safty of lives. Most of faimlies has los at least one or two person as a result of force full disappearance, they are protesting for the safe return of their failmy members and demanding the end to such processes. These people are not terrorists, as claimed by most of people yet they are son of our own soil. They are not less patriotic than any other Pakistani. 

     Despite all these suffering they are even not allowed to speak for that, no main stream media is interested In  raising voice for them. Those who dare to speak, become disappear. They are begging and requesting before their own state of Islamic republic of Pakistan  but unfortunately neither they have any no who could try raise their voices before the  ruling class nor the ruling class has any interest in listing them.

    Accordig to sources Pakistan has started negotiation with TTP, an active terrorist organization, If we are such strong belivers of negotiating process that we are going to have negotiation with terrorist origanization, then  what is the thing that do no allowing us just to listen our own  Pakistanies? who are suffering. If TTP that is a terrorist organization can be negotiated then why not we can hear our own suffering people, who are demanding just for their basic human right. What happening in Balochistan is not myth yet crystal clear facts. People has lost their brothers, fathers, sons and women has lost their husbands! As a result of what is known as forceful disappearance. State must investigate this thing,  Disappeared persons sholud not be mixed to BLA terrorist.  Most of disappear persons are educated, some are still students, state must take immediate action and recover these people. There two main and heavy resposiblities of state, first to recover these people and second to destroy whole network of BLA while protecting our own people(Baloch). 

   Their(Disappeared people's) sons daughters, sisters, mothers, wives, brothers and fathers are suffering from their absence. This is a must to do task for state of Pakistan. This is the duty of state to ensure right of life for every citizen.

     If our state can arrest Indian spy Kalboshan yadew then recovering disappeared Baloch will not be too hard for them. Baloch deserve peaceful lives, free from fear of any type of terrorism or thret to their lives.

               Pakistan zindabad! 



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