Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Enemies of both Pakistan and India!


 Enemy of India and Pakistan!

Pakistan and India on self destruction mode!

Since more than 70 years Pakistani people are feeding with narratives that India is their enemy and want to destroy Pakistan and same is feeding to Indians about enmity of Pakistan. But at this time any one who could think critically and search for truth about these two nations will find this reality that both of them have their enemies in their own countries,  Infact these both  are at self destructive mode, at least now we can see it clearly.

 The poison that is destroying India is their own politicians, a nation of such great diversity could only be run with pure democracy. But unfortunately today India has lost this thing practically(though India is still recognize as largest democracy). The ruler party dreams of great United India, but for them this word United is limited to lands, this is just union of lands. For them this land will belong only to Brahman Hindus specially those who support Hindutva supremacist ideology, and remaining Indians will have to leave India. Even Dalit and other Hindu minor communities. This Ideology has no power to even unite Hindus then how would it Unite the whole Indian Content, which is home of Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism and many other religious ideologies, and have a very diverse  ethnicity. This ideology would only squeeze  India only to a few of its states.

On the other the poison that is destroying and not allowing Pakistan to develop, is complex of its own establishment  and politicians. A politician that is not a pro-establishment is not allowed even to speak or even live. It does not matter how popular a politician is or how much support he has from people, but if he messed with establishment, he will be out of political system and government. (we can clearly see this thing in Imran khan case.) Every system either judiciary, finance or any one is under control of establishment. They can disqualify, assassinate, suppress or do any thing a person to whom they don’t like or see him as threat to their this iron handed dictatorship. They have their own media cells and paid news channels for propagandas, glorifying and justifying their crimes and failures, also have mobs for  terrifying common people and politicians for protecting their interests.  The current govt of Pakistan is mixture of all these politicians to whom this ugly and awful system has used in past, still using and want to use In future too. These people has occupied Pakistan since the death of Quid e Azam M.A Jannah. This is the system that has never permitted democracy to prevail in Pakistan and never allowed Pakistan to get developed.

 Currently Imran khan (who was also a pro-establishment, but now apparently after realization of destructive rule of establishment,) conducting anti-establishment protests throughout Pakistan, his record breaking largest Jalsas shows that people of Pakistan are fed up of this awful system and want to get rid of them. If Imran commit compromise with establishment and do not bring changes in this system, then this will be his political suicide.

On other hands people in India who are worried about their future are fighting seemingly their last fight against Hindutva supremacist ideology, for democracy and secularism, under the leadership of left wing Party Congress.


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