Tuesday, July 26, 2022

How to get strong,healthy and positive mind?


In this blog I am going to provide you some most practical and easy mechanisms for having a relaxed, productive and creative mind. Our mind is the greatest creature of the creater. It has sophisticated and still undiscover abilities, it conrol whole of our physical body so our mental health is as important as our physical is, we must take care of at. With time when toxic negative thoughts take control of our mind we lose our sophisticated abilities of our mind. This blog is going to provide you people more than enough help in regaining the power of your mind. 

    Once when we get shed the dust of negativity from our mind we will directly get the lost  creativity and productivity of our mind. So let see what are these practical mechanisms and how they work? 

   There are three mechanism for building  a healthy productive and creative mind.

1. Replacing your thoughts. 

2. Staring therapy.

3. Building power of imagination. 

1.  Mechanism of replacing thoughts

   Our mind is like a fertile land it allow both Important and  unimportant things to be cultivate. But we should continually remove the the unimportant, so that we could get a healthy mind. According to Robin sharma (author of "monk who sold his Ferrari) we should have to play the role of security guard of our own mind. We should stop negative thoughts from coming in.

   Our mind has another specific property that it can hold only one thought at a time. Means if we want to get rid of negative thoughts we must to provide some other stuffs to our mind to think. That is great and it always work. 

Mechanism:  There are two steps in this mechanism.  a: set relax and find out what                                is Occupying your mind.

                        b: Then try to replace them                                    with positive thoughts.

2. Mechanism of gaining  strong focus:

    We have a very simple and a practical way to get this. And that is "staring theraphy". Most widely people use "Rose flower" to be stare.


  All you required is just a fresh flower of rose. You can apply this in your bed room or even in office. You just have a rose at small distance, and to try to focus on it,while feeling its colour smell and thinking about its beauty. At first random thoughts will try to disturb your focus but this is normal you have to ignore the disturbace. You should repeat this for some 20 to 25 days. 

  It seems too simple but it is very effective you will feel changes just in few days. It will boost your focusing very easily.

3.Mechanism of Building power of imagination:

      Einstein was very right by saying that "Imagination is more important than knowledge". According to psychology every thing is created twice. First in imagination and second in reality. Means what is in our mind is going to be in reality very soon. We can also say that if we imagine what we want to get in future and just act according it very soon we will have that in reality.  This is a widely practised trick,it is working just try it!  


1. You just need a calm and still place, it can be in your office, home or out side of home. 2.You have to set and first breath deeply few times. 

3. Clase your eyes and relax.

4. Start thinking about your goals and aims.

 You have to see your self as you want and also invision your actions as you would like to do after getting you goals. 

  This is a powerfull tool, according to law of attraction, our mind attract  waves from univerce according to our thoughts. So by doing soo your mind will start attracting your goal toward you and you will be universaly guided toward your goal. 

 These are important mechanism by which we can shed the dust of weakness and negativety from our mind and we can get a strong healthy and creative mind.

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